In this chapter is presented the Center Jaya, the initiators of the project, services set up (yoga, timetables, fares and massages) and the news center.
In this chapter the various approaches of yoga will be broached. We will endeavour for the moment to underline the four principal yogas particularly developed in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gherandha Samhita and in Yoga Sutras. Of course, there is other forms of yoga like Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Kriya yoga, or Tantra yoga…
Hatha yoga of which one of the principal texts is the " Hatha Pradipika" Yoga is the yoga of the sustained effort. Through postures (asanas) but also a work on breathing (pranayama) and many other techniques, the practitioner allows his body and his mind to be more sharpened. Thus these latters become the instruments which will allow the union with the higher principles.
Health is happiness, Yoga shows us the way … " Swami Sivananda Saraswati". Healthy food, hygiene of life, ayurvedic care, massages of rejuvenation, practice of hatha yoga and kriyas, energy care with chakras, withdrawal of senses and control of the mind, are the ways for a long life.
One of the six points of view. Dualistic system in which Purusha represents the spirit and Prakriti expressed matter. Samkhya discriminates the various components of the matter.