• 4 Allée d’Alsace 40530 Labenne Océan
  • +262 692369208 Jaya
  • +262 692559297 Maheswari
  • centrejayayoga@gmail.com


In this chapter the various approaches of yoga will be broached. We will endeavour for the moment to underline the four principal yogas particularly developed in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gherandha Samhita and in Yoga Sutras. Of course, there is other forms of yoga like Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Kriya yoga, or Tantra yoga…

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga of which one of the principal texts is the " Hatha Pradipika" Yoga is the yoga of the (…)


Kriya yoga

Kriya yoga


Mantra Yoga

Mantra Yoga

Mantra yoga is the art of Japa practice, i.e. repetition of mantras. A mantra is a crowned (…)



What is the meaning of the word yoga? This word is etymologically attached (…)