The " other "
Whether young or old, we need now,
to understand who you speak to when talking to him.
Don’t see his weaknesses or limitations anymore,
but perceive his soul shining around him.
The other we didn’t see during the sunny days,
the other we brought during the twilight days,
the other we care while it’s still time,
and we love so much, that we transfigure him.
Mitigate our principles that made us fight.
There is nothing to hold other than the thread of life
that weaves despite ourselves our most worn links
or gives a silvery sheen to our waist with new friends.
We try to climb while everything is there !
Our ladders claim to blow on the clouds,
when the palm of our hands carries law
and sings the deep sky on sleeping skins.
Never forget during this long walk,
to put on the shoulder of anyone is cold,
the brave coat which saved our life.
Its cloth is that of hard experience,
and its heat is the résult of what was understood.
Its elegant design is due to meticulous style
to draw our dreams during the long childhood.
Recognize our dearest in this blind crowd.
Always intone for their weakened hearts,
the songs of words we received, worn in just poses,
and let’s be there for everyone, unseen yogis.
Under the weight of our steps, the earth listen to us.
It doesn’t always know if we deserve it !
Yet it forgives and offers its furrows,
feeding despite everything, the irreverent doubt.
Sometimes our feet are bare to repair the blame,
and our mouths keep quiet to scare noises.
We remove the beautiful from our deep genomes,
and don’t speak the language that defies.
We are the modeller who raises the fair line
in order to progress with an intelligent " if ",
and behind the demanding and penetrating asceticism,
we bring the respect to the doors of our lives.
author: Jaya yogacharya
Best wishes to my dear students for this time to come.
Maheswari joins me with all her strength.
© Centre Jaya de yoga védanta