“Pratibha, Illuminating faculty” 2nd level
The practice of Yoga and Meditation, real auto-initiations into oneself knowledge , are able to develop in the aspirant certain faculties out of the commun run.
Many psychic capacities could be reached by a faculty called “Pratibha”.<br
Pratibha is a process of cognition which does not depend on the reasoning but concerns a higher intuition.
It is an “illuminating” faculty which the mental develops when it comes into contact with a support, whatever it is, animated or inanimate. The more the consciousness grows, the more lighting of the world becomes obvious because a light impregnates all that the mental perceives.
In the same way that any source of light lights what is in the darkness by expressing it, in the same way, Pratibha grants the faculty of comprehension of all that appears.
This higher faculty belongs to the first stages of “Viveka Jnana”, which is the knowledge obtained by the “separation of the energy from the matter”.
“Viveka Jnana”, wich is another of the siddhis already evoked in the article meditations and capacities, will be obtained by the Meditations or Samyamas on Pancha maha buthas and their various forms: gross, subtle, universal, fundamental, that is on their state, on their function and their nature.
see the techniques of etherisation.
Another approach of Pratibha.
If we put certain luminous processes in relation to Ajna chakra see chakras by maintaining an intense samyama on this zone, some results can occur such as the vision of yogis.
When the light passes in a flash in front of the mental, it gives rise to spiritual visions in which the aspirant can have a direct perception of those who do not need their physical envelope to appear.
The latter who got the total control on their psychic functions can disconnect them from the body.
The knowledge of some samyamas will get to the aspirant the chance to perceive them, to meet them and be guided by them.
hari om tat sat
ref.: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The meditatives techniques supports of this talk will not be presented here and remain the privilege of the practices during the meditation course.
Summary of Jaya’s talk given at the time of the meditation course
03/12/2010 -2nd level